Recovery is possible and wholeness is within you. With your feet on the ground, the wind on your skin, and feeling the current with your body - experience the freedom of catch and release while letting go of your pain.
Therapeutic Fly-fishing with EMDR (TF-EMDR)℠ turns fly-fishing into psychotherapy for trauma. It provides a way to link fly-fishing's well known benefits to an evidence-based psychotherapy without each being done separately from one another.
Along with fly-fishing, specifically developed advanced techniques rooted in polyvagal therapy, ego state/inner child work, mindfulness, and others are used to broaden the practice and allow for authentic healing from complex and developmental trauma within nature.
Why: Standard therapeutic fly-fishing has become a common adjunct activity for helping people who are in treatment for trauma-related issues. In most cases, it is done as a peer support activity or recreation therapy in the context of PTSD recovery. While useful for many reasons, fly-fishing done in this way can only complete part of the picture when done by non-mental health professionals and without being attached to a trauma treatment framework. This is why TF-EMDR exists.
In order to effectively treat trauma, fly-fishing should be linked to an evidence based therapy for PTSD, and facilitated by trained mental health professionals. TF-EMDR was the first mental health treatment model to accomplish this, and it is incredibly effective!