Find freedom in nature's flow.

Learn more and get started below.

Counseling services are available in New York, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. Other services are available anywhere.

*Medicare disclaimer: Due to the stalling in the opt-out process for Medicare, Seiyu Institute clinicians are unable to work with anyone who qualifies for Medicare (by age or disability status) at this time. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Integrative mental health counseling.

Counseling & Psychotherapy

We offer an in-office, virtual and nature-based practice as the official home of Therapeutic Fly-fishing with EMDR (TF-EMDR)℠! Using other evidence based and interpersonal mental health therapies, including IFS-informed therapy and inner child work, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), traditional EMDR and Attachment-Focused EMDR, psychodynamic therapy, and more, we aim to serve you where your healing will happen easiest. All services can include Ketamine Assisted Therapy in a retreat format, in partnership with Skylight Psychedelics
We are contracted as in network with TriWest, as well as all BCBS PPO plans via Wellmark BCBS. Read below for information about Out of Network billing. Intensive appointments (visit here!) cannot billed as health insurance services due to billing procedure changes made by the American Medical Association in 2023.

Transform trauma with a whole person approach.

Whole Person & Integrative Retreats

Experience transformative care through a unique blend of approaches designed to help you move forward through the echos of past and present challenges. This approach, done in half or full day intensive retreats, walks and alternative path to wellness which allows healing to happen softer, deeper, and to help you achieve results faster than attending hourly/weekly therapy for months. Framed in the Attachment-Focused EMDR framework, we can integrate other approaches such as Reiki, EFT Tapping, psychedelic preparation and integration coaching, somatic-focused therapy, yoga nidra, hypnosis, and more. Available as hourly sessions and intensive retreats (half-day or full-day), these complimentary approaches are integrated into evidence based care to provide you with the best support and guidance for you to break free from barriers and embrace life more fully. Schedule an intensive today!

Nature can healing and is essential for life.

Nature-based Healing and Therapeutic Fly-fishing with EMDR (TF-EMDR)℠

Work directly with Tony Parmenter, developer of Therapeutic Fly-Fishing with EMDR (TF-EMDR)℠, an outdoor, mindfulness-based, nervous system and creative attachment-focused implementation of the EMDR Standard Protocol which was initially described in the Journal of Military & Veterans Health. Experience the combined healing power of nature's calming presence with EMDR therapy's transformative effects - where natural rhythms enhance trauma processing and healing.

Because of licensing laws, counseling & psychotherapy are available in the United States to people with addresses in Iowa, Vermont, New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and California. Professional consultations are available to anyone, anywhere.

Rates & insurance for Clinical Services

Services covered by In-Network insurance are charged at the contracted rate which is set by your insurance provider. We are in-network with BCBC PPO plans in most states licensed, and Tricare West (TriWest) plans for military and VA Community Care in Iowa.

For Out of Network (OON) billing, we prefer to use Mentaya to make this process easier and more affordable up front for you. For services that are 50 minutes or less, we use rates listed at for zip code 05301. A 50 minute session is $201.

Our historical hourly rate for services that are 53 minutes or longer is $336 per 53-minute billing hour.

Intensives are discounted from the full hourly rate. Learn more here.

Do you use health supplements? Explore what's available through our Full Script Store with an automatic 10% discount even if you are not working with us!

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

0% interest financing is available for out of pocket payment through Care Credit.

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Missed appointment/late cancelation policy for services

Two business days are required to cancel a one-hour appointment. Extended or intensive appointments are non-refundable despite the reason for cancelation, due to the specialized and custom nature of the scheduling. All late or missed appointments, except in cases of environmental or medical emergency, are charged using the authorized billing method at the full rate of the services scheduled. Discounts may be applied at the discretion of the clinical director. For questions about this policy, please reach out.